Agency Search 101

We’ve made this easy. Here are the top five things to consider when hiring an agency.

#1: Determine your brand goals. Why are you hiring an agency? What are your goals for hiring a PR, digital or creative agency? Any current challenges you’re hoping to tackle? Create a few measurable goals and assign a date by when you hope to accomplish these goals.

#2: Research agencies and evaluate their history and experience. Are you looking for B2B knowledge or B2C? Do they have the right relationships in partners or in media? Are they familiar with the industry? Review the agency’s case studies. If you’re part of an industry organization, ask around and get a few recommendations. Or, use LinkedIn to post your agency needs.

#3: Evaluate the agency team. Interview them. Do you have the same brand beliefs and culture? Are they passionate about their work? Do they have the right energy? Size of an agency doesn’t always matter, but passion does.

#4: Create your budget. Find out what the agency can do within that budget. Get a proposal. Be realistic with your expectations. Pick the agency that will get the job done.

#5: Hire ‘em. Get them on your team. Develop a creative brief, brainstorming session or marketing and/or PR plan to kick-off your new partnership. Outline how you’ll measure success together. Celebrate when you reach the goals.


Click here for a downloadable PDF of the checklist.

Want to know more? Contact Scream Agency of course.

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